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Updated: Mar 1

Article by the experts: McNaughton et al.

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The health and quality of life of older adults is strongly influenced by their nutrition and level of physical activity. However, there is a lack of research focused on identifying what factors influence these behaviors in this particular population. This lack of knowledge is crucial, as both dietary habits and physical activity can vary significantly among older adults, and the factors that influence these behaviors are also likely to be diverse. It is essential to understand the modifiable factors that influence nutrition and physical activity decisions in older adults, as this will allow the development of specific interventions that are tailored to the needs and circumstances of this stage of life. These interventions aim to promote health, prevent chronic disease and improve quality of life in this demographic.

Nutrition and physical activity are crucial determinants of health and susceptibility to disease, and are directly related to the risk of premature mortality and various conditions, such as heart disease, hypertension, colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and weight gain. Therefore, the promotion of healthy eating habits and adequate physical activity have the potential to significantly reduce the burden of disease and improve the quality of life in the population. Currently, it is observed that older adults consume insufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables, and their nutrient intake is below the recommendations needed to prevent chronic diseases. In addition, it is estimated that approximately 45% of older adults do not engage in sufficient physical activity for health benefits, and this population has a lower propensity to maintain an adequate level of physical activity compared to younger adults.

There are specific considerations that influence nutrition and physical activity habits in the older adult population. During aging, nutritional needs undergo changes, with an increase in the required amount of various nutrients, despite a decrease in energy needs. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize diet quality, with emphasis on nutrient-rich food choices to prevent weight gain. In addition, medication use is common in this population, which may have implications for the interaction with diet and nutritional status. In terms of physical activity, the loss of muscle mass associated with aging may result in decreased muscle strength, which contributes to a higher prevalence of disabilities in older adults. Increasing physical activity becomes a vital strategy for maintaining functionality and independence at this stage of life.

Older age is a critical time to promote nutrition and physical activity, as this is when chronic diseases tend to manifest themselves. Adopting healthy habits at this stage of life can bring immediate benefits by improving chronic disease risk factors and preventing or delaying preventable disabilities, thus maximizing health and quality of life in older adults."

In addition to the biological changes that occur during the aging process, this stage of life also involves constantly changing social and psychological aspects. Throughout the life of older adults, there are several transitions that can generate significant alterations in their lifestyle, with possible direct or indirect repercussions on their health. These transitions can range from retirement and changes in family structures, such as the "empty nest," to the loss of relationships or loved ones.

Populations experiencing these transitions at different stages of life are at increased risk of experiencing health problems due to potential changes in their habits and behaviors related to nutrition and physical activity, which can have a negative impact. Therefore, it is essential to adopt a preventive approach across the lifespan, developing appropriate interventions for each specific stage, using age-relevant strategies.

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interesting fact!!!✨

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